Friday, 23 August 2013


When I was 5 years old I couldn't wait to be 8 so I could go swimming with all my school friends.
Life will be great then, I thought.
When I was 8 I always wished to be 13 so I could play in the park I knew to be the furthest away from my home.
Life will be great then, I thought.
When I was 13 I longed to be 17 so I could drive a car and travel to different places.
Life will be great then, I thought.
When I was 17 I couldn't wait to turn 19 so I could flock the nest and enjoy the university lifestyle.
Life will be great then, I thought.
When I was 19 I couldn't wait to be 23 so I could get a job, get my own place, and finally have money of my own to spend.

Life will be great then, I thought.

And then I turned the age of 23, and I stopped.
I stopped and I began to ponder over the subject.

Are we ever completely happy?

It's great to have goals.
I have many of them.
But are we able to just be happy and content with what we have now?
Is being comfortable in life actually uncomfortable for us to deal with?

Things will be perfect when I get my dream job.
Things will be perfect when I meet my ideal partner.
Things will be perfect when I get married.
Things will be perfect when I have kids.
Things will be perfect when I get the keys to my idyllic family home.
Things will be perfect when the kids grow up and leave.

It's a never ending spiral.
No matter where we are or how much or little we have, we seem to want more.
And more.
Perfection is imperfection, right?

We wish our time away, without actually stopping to pause for a moment and look at what's around us. Yet we look back at our memories and wish to go back to that moment in time.

I'm 25 now.
And that's it.
I ride the storm and enjoy what is now.
I stop, regularly and just enjoy the wonderful world around me; good and bad - for I know that this moment isn't going to last forever.

My family, my friends, my health and my happiness is all here.

I might not have all the money, I might not have the nicest apartment, the fastest car, or my dream home, but to me, I am the richest woman in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Love this, you're so right.

    Hope you enjoyed your shoe making course!
