Wednesday, 31 July 2013


I've recently been spending a bit of time back home (the North) with the family.
It seems my speech is slowly but surely turnin' in ta one like me mams.

After living in London for 3 years, all the northern nonsense just started to fade out.
I started to talk 'proper' English, rather than propa English.

Now, after just a short while at home, I've found me northern roots again.
For those of you that do not understand northern terminology and would like to have a conversation with a northerner, here are a few basics to get you started:
  • yes = yer
  • your = yer
  • no = nor
  • go = gor
  • over there = ower thur
  • washing = weshin'
  • hole - orl
  • hall = orl
  • water = wata
  • mates = merts
  • Saturday = Satdee
  • my = me
  • here = ere
  • don't = dorn't
  • isn't = int
  • her = er
  • him = im
  • the other = t'other
  • the internet = t'internet
  • self = sen
One word that has originated amongst my very large family, though, is 'minge'. 
Meaning goodbye/see you later.

I believe this came from my mother.
The long winded 'see you in a minute' was shortened to 'see you in a min'.
Then shortened further to 'in a min'.
Until finally it just became 'minge'.

Language is beautiful, isn't it?
Now go forth, spread your wings; be a northerner for a day, be a southerner for day, be whatever the hell you want to be for a day. 
Listen and embrace the ever changing terms that live within such a wonderfully diverse language.

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