Wednesday, 31 July 2013


I've recently been spending a bit of time back home (the North) with the family.
It seems my speech is slowly but surely turnin' in ta one like me mams.

After living in London for 3 years, all the northern nonsense just started to fade out.
I started to talk 'proper' English, rather than propa English.

Now, after just a short while at home, I've found me northern roots again.
For those of you that do not understand northern terminology and would like to have a conversation with a northerner, here are a few basics to get you started:
  • yes = yer
  • your = yer
  • no = nor
  • go = gor
  • over there = ower thur
  • washing = weshin'
  • hole - orl
  • hall = orl
  • water = wata
  • mates = merts
  • Saturday = Satdee
  • my = me
  • here = ere
  • don't = dorn't
  • isn't = int
  • her = er
  • him = im
  • the other = t'other
  • the internet = t'internet
  • self = sen
One word that has originated amongst my very large family, though, is 'minge'. 
Meaning goodbye/see you later.

I believe this came from my mother.
The long winded 'see you in a minute' was shortened to 'see you in a min'.
Then shortened further to 'in a min'.
Until finally it just became 'minge'.

Language is beautiful, isn't it?
Now go forth, spread your wings; be a northerner for a day, be a southerner for day, be whatever the hell you want to be for a day. 
Listen and embrace the ever changing terms that live within such a wonderfully diverse language.

Friday, 26 July 2013


So I guess we all have to start somewhere.

My inspiration for writing this blog came from the long and painstaking search of getting the old foot in the door of the giant, parellel universe that is advertising.

For me, that actually was 3 years ago when I finished university.
I left with a degree in Creative Advertising, had a creative partner at my side, and was ready to take on the world.

Alas, 3 years later, I am in search of getting my other foot in the door.
And it doesn't get any easier, even after 2-3 years experience.

So here we are.
This time I'm keeping a record of this wonderful adventure ahead.
Come join me, won't you?

T'rah for now.
